As Head of Development at Betty Blocks Services, Thomas van Ophem leads an extensive team of developers who use our platform to build applications together with clients. It only took him 18 months to work himself up from IT developer to captain of...
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Meet Thomas 'The Spearman' van Ophem: Focus on the Process, Not the Results
Betty Blocks to Deliver No-Code Process Optimization for the Province of Zuid-Holland
More than 3.6 million people and 52 municipalities are expected to benefit from digital innovations provided by the strategic partnership
Press Release - 21st May 2019 - Betty Blocks, no-code application development platform vendor and the Dutch...
Forza Consulting Chooses Betty Blocks as Agile Development Partners for their Global Clients
Press Release - 16 May 2019 - No-code application development platform Betty Blocks and IT consulting firm, Forza Consulting, announced their partnership today. With a joint vision to create scalable, business-driven applications for enterprises...
Platform Update: Builder Bar, Properties Resolver, and Spring Cleaning
Updates ahoy! Some big changes are being released for the platform this week. Upcoming changes to the the Builder Bar make it even more user-friendly – we’ve got your back, Citizen Developers. Everything you know and love is still there, it’s just...
3 Reasons Why Businesses Should Build Their Own Applications
Not too long ago, organizations hardly ever considered building their own applications. But times have changed and so have business strategies. With the growing availability of no-code platforms, the era of the Citizen Developer has arrived. An age...
Meet the Platform: The Block Store
Our platform is constantly evolving, both to keep up with the latest market trends and to ensure we do the most to empower citizen developers. How do we do that? By building features into the platform that make building complete applications as easy...
Betty Blocks on Stage: All Content Available Now!
It’s been a while since Betty Blocks organized the greatest no-code event of 2019, but people are still talking about it. Bummer if you missed out, but we have some good news: you can now access all the presentations you really need to watch to be...
Betty Blocks Academy: Meet Adil
If you know us, you’ve probably heard our big, hairy, audacious goal: “By 2023 any human will be able to build an application.” Bryan Oemar, head of the Betty Blocks Academy, is helping turn that vision into a reality. The Academy teaches developers...
Meet the Platform: UI Builder, Data Models, and Actions
So you know exactly what kind of application you want to build. You can visualize the whole thing in your head and damn is it sweet. Congratulations, you’re most of the way there. Now, let’s take a look at the specific platform features you’ll use...
2019 Market Outlook: No- and Low-Code Platforms
HpaPaaS. RAD. DPA. LCAP. OMG. WTF. Whatever you call them, there are no-code platforms and there are low-code platforms. They allow users to build different types of applications with limited coding or none at all, and they do so because software is...