Application Maintenance: Continuously Improving Lifetime Value

Think of your application like a car. If something breaks, it needs immediate fixing. But you don't want to wait until you're stranded on the roadside. Instead, you schedule regular maintenance to catch issues before they become problems. However,...

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Application Deployment: the Vital Elements for a Successful Launch

Completed all the steps to prepare your application for release? That’s great news! However, it's crucial to remember that the deployment phase is absolutely critical, as you only get one chance to make a first impression. Successfully deploying an...

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Empowering Innovation: Applying Low-Code Building Best Practices

Of course, you’ve read my previous articles around Ideation and Validation, so by now, you’ve selected the perfect use case, validated it with your stakeholders and end users, and you’ve identified the required skills and availability of resources...

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Putting Your Software Idea to the Test: Validation Essentials

All right, you’ve successfully gone through the Ideation Phase, and after careful evaluation, you’ve now selected a use case for application development. It’s time to gather the (detailed) requirements and validate the solution with application...

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Ideation Unleashed: From Concept to Selection

Congratulations on applying the suggestions from my previous article and successfully initiating your digital innovation journey by organizing your organization's people, processes, and technology to facilitate the submission and tracking of...

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Join Betty Blocks at Citizen Development Week 2024

There’s no denying that citizen development has been a hot topic for years. The movement has inspired many organizations to democratize software and follow business-led IT when creating new applications. As more people join the bandwagon, it is only...

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How Digital Innovation Management Helps Citizen Developers

The term “innovation management” might leave you scratching your head with its ambiguity. More often than not, carefully curated business jargon describes the activities surrounding innovation management. When we think of innovation, our thoughts...

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How to navigate the different shades of low-code

I vividly remember the day my dad bought me a computer. I was still in primary school as a young 11-year-old rascal. 

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How To Achieve Digital Innovation With Low-Code

Where do you start when you want to achieve digital innovation successfully? In this rapidly changing digital age, being big no longer means being the best. We see time and time again that companies who innovate and challenge the status quo are the...

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The Benefits of Low-Code: Choosing the Right Option

In our world, data has always existed. From the unique genetic code in our DNA to the ones and zeros that make computers run. There is an unmistakable abundance of it, and we humans have managed to harness data and use it for the building blocks of...

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