Product changes

Anton van den Berg

Anton van den Berg
Product Owner - Anton van den Berg

Recent Posts

Anton van den Berg

New My Betty Blocks: Add users and Retry merge

Remember we released the new My Betty Blocks interface two weeks ago? That was only just the start, and now we got something new to add to it. Besides an overview of your application its sandboxes and available changes, you are now able to add new users and retry a merge after it failed. Read on below for more information.

Add users to application

Anton van den Berg

Update - UI Builder drag and drop, performance improvements

Say what?! We've got some updates (and improvements) to the UI builder to report! 

The drag and drop feature is now overall more stable. We’ve improved the drop target that indicates where a component will be dropped (now you’ll see a blue line to show where the component will be placed), so you now see visual feedback about the parent component.

Anton van den Berg

Update - Bug Fixes

What’s bugging you lately? We can’t really help with the dishes in the sink or your laundry backlog, but here’s some platform stuff we’ve fixed.

In the UI Builder:

- Filled values in the Base Styles (padding, border, background, etc.) would still be applied when deselected, and only be removed by a change trigger in the component; now deselecting

Anton van den Berg

New feature - Custom UI components

We have added a new UI Component to our current set of Components: the Custom Component. Actually, the name already gives away what it does: building something custom. We offer a large set of UI Components you can use to build your pages, but of course there are situations where you sometimes want to build custom HTML and JavaScript. That’s why

Anton van den Berg

Update - The Sidebar overhaul

This update is all about improving the sidebar for even faster and easier creation of your front end. We have made a few changes that really improve the overall framework, development ease & speed and look & feel. To start off, we replaced the list view for a card view with more expressive icons. The card view is bigger and the color of the

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