Product changes

Anton van den Berg

Anton van den Berg
Product Owner - Anton van den Berg

Recent Posts

Anton van den Berg

New feature - Performance monitoring and scoped changes

Here at Betty Blocks, we strive for developer happiness. We felt we could still make some steps towards performance monitoring and debugging of builder items. To increase the happiness we have now added these two tabs. The first tab is for monitoring the performance of your actions, events and expression properties to help you debug even faster.

Anton van den Berg

Update - Vertical fly-out builder bar

We have updated the fly-out builder bar. It now folds in and out vertically instead of horizontally. The interface looks much calmer thanks to the light colored background. Also, the vertical fly-out helps to navigate even better through the builder bar items than before and gives room for a description.

Updated fly-out builder bar vertically

Anton van den Berg

Update - Full-screen action option

We have updated the action panes with a full-screen option to maximize the action diagram. This new option helps you in times actions are starting to grow in size. It maximizes your screen with a diagram to build your actions on. Use the close full-screen button to minimize the diagram to a regular pane size.

The full-screen action option to

Anton van den Berg

New feature - Grouped pages in the web module

We have built a new feature in the web module of the platform: grouped pages. You can now store multiple pages into groups to become more organized. You can also apply different settings to each group and navigate through all groups by using the left side-bar. The child groups of a parent are also shown at the top as cards to click through.

Anton van den Berg

Update - Look & feel of the back office UI

We made some changes/improvements to the user interface of the back office module and also to other places on the platform. For example, we added a gray overlay to the application's data (in the grids) when builder mode is activated. We added this because the focus in builder mode should be to structure the application, not the data being

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