Product changes

Anton van den Berg

Anton van den Berg
Product Owner - Anton van den Berg

Recent Posts

Anton van den Berg

The Power of Insight: Discover the Company Overview

We are thrilled to unveil a significant expansion for application management in My Betty Blocks, designed to provide you with a more comprehensive and insightful overview of your usage. After all, it is quite useful to see how much you are building and communicating this with your peers! 

Introducing: The Company Overview!With this new feature,

Anton van den Berg

Introducing application types and states

We're happy to introduce an expansion for application management in My Betty Blocks: application types and states. With this update, we're providing a more tailored environment related to the purpose of created and developed applications. Each application type has its unique purpose, to help you create better and more efficient applications. Next

Anton van den Berg

List of release notes - Week 42 & 43 - 2022

Over the last 4 weeks, we have been working on improvements to the platform. In this blog post, you can see a simple list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed. Read more about the release notes of weeks 42 & 43 of 2022.


  • The next-gen forms are now the default components when building forms
Anton van den Berg

Public release of Next-Generation Forms!

The next-generation forms are now the default components when building forms within the Page Builder! Processing the data of the forms is done in the next-gen actions that are available in the same building environment. This means that all the building can be done with the same look and feel to greatly increase the ease of use and reduce

Anton van den Berg

Get Ready to Adopt the Next Gen Forms

In May, we introduced the Beta Forms on production and are now moving closer to the moment where we will make them the default forms in the Pagebuilder. You can currently already check them out on production behind the Beta toggle in the sidebar of the component library to provide us with feedback!

In this blog, we want to remind you about the

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