Product changes

Lisanne Steenis

Pending invitations now available in your My Betty Blocks user management

Product changes pending users 692px

We have released a new user management overview in My Betty Blocks. Here we display new users who have been invited to the platform but still need to complete the registration of their account. This overview gives the organization admin insights into the accepted and unaccepted invitations.

The benefits of this overview

  • Now organization admins have insights into the pending invitations. This gives them the opportunity to manage their users better and chase pending invitations when needed.
  • Having the possibility to update the role and delete the user from the application or organization (before the user has created their account).
  • Organization admins can re-invite an invited new user by deleting and adding the user again.

That was all for now, your feedback allows us to continuously improve our product. So please, let us know what you think about it!

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