Product changes

Lisanne Steenis

List of release notes - Week 26 & 27 - 2022

Over the last 2 weeks, we have been working on improvements to the platform. In this blog post, you can see a simple list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed. Read more about the release notes of weeks 26 and 27 of 2022.


  • We added some adjustments to the feature to create a new authentication profile while adding a new authenticated page. You are now able to manually set the name of the desired login model. It is now also possible to just generate an email address and/or password property if you already have a model you want to use. In the background we will also check if the selected model has a correct relationship with the Role model (this is required to work properly). When this is not the case we will add this ‘has and belongs to many’ relation in the background.
  • Support of models and properties creation in Page Builder
  • Support ‘Add, Replace & Remove records' over a ManyToMany relation when executing an Update
  • Support linking ManyToMany relations using a Create mutation

New Actions
  • Actions can be deleted from the action Overview using the ‘trashcan icon’ next to the ‘duplicate action’ icon.
  • Role based permissions can be configured on Action level, in order to allow or disallow certain User Roles from executing the Action. This option can be found in the ‘settings’ panel of an Action.
  • The default Betty Blocks application templates can now be used on all cloud zones. Previously they only worked when you created an app on NL3 (otherwise the app was empty after creation), but now they work on all cloud zones!


  • It's now possible to select nested has_many relations in the filter options on the components in the page builder again.
  • Custom authentication profiles can now also be selected in Data Containers to provide the logged in user data in the nested components
  • Showing images via a belongs to relation with an image property is now possible
New Actions

  • Variable names (e.g. iterator and output variable) aren't shown in detail view although variable exists
  • "Duplicating action failed" error is displayed in the UI when duplicating actions. Two copies of an action are created.
My Betty Blocks
  • In the Block Store the Block description wasn’t fully displayed (cut off). This is now resolved. 
  • In the application settings a label was missing for the organization dropdown, this label is now added. 
  • Searching in the Organizations dropdown filter didn’t work properly. This has now been fixed.



That was all for now. Your feedback allows us to continuously improve the Product. So please, let us know what you think about it!

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