Product changes

Anton van den Berg

Property formatting and more!

We have been working on new features and security improvements to make you build applications even faster and more secure. Here is what we did in the Page Builder:

Page Builder
  • You are now able to use formatting on date and number properties. The format can be defined on property level and overwritten on component level. Check it out:


  • Did you delete a page or property but still reference to this within one of your components? We will now link you to the component to resolve this!
  • We now support multiple authentication profiles within your application. You can now have a different login screen for employees and customers.
  • The security headers that you can configure in the application settings in My Betty Blocks now also affect the pages built with the Page Builder.
  • Hovering over components in the component tree now also highlights these components on your canvas making it so much easier to find them!
That was all for now, your feedback allows us to continuously improve our product. So please, let us know what you think about it!

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