Product changes

Public release of Next-Generation Forms!

Written by Anton van den Berg | Oct 24, 2022 5:10:09 PM

The next-generation forms are now the default components when building forms within the Page Builder! Processing the data of the forms is done in the next-gen actions that are available in the same building environment. This means that all the building can be done with the same look and feel to greatly increase the ease of use and reduce development times within our platform.

Flexibility in actions

With the next-gen actions behind the forms, we also move closer to the vision of providing a very flexible setup to prevent you from ever being stuck. Next to components the actions now also offer the same flexibility allowing pro-coders to build excellent features for no-coders and business users. 

Are you missing an action step to process the logic of the form? You can get in touch with a pro-coder to build this and make that step available within your building environment. Are you a pro-coder yourself? Make your own toolkit to achieve more rapid application development for you and your colleagues!

Out-of-the-box performance increase

Last but not least, the next-gen actions come with an out-of-the-box performance increase because itโ€™s using the latest technology stack. Load tests and early beta users have reported performance increases of more than 12 times faster in certain cases. These are just the results of early users, without any special focus on performance. We imagine that the environment will deliver an even greater performance increase when it evolves over time and the environment is optimized further.

To help you as much as possible in adopting the new forms, we have created a Kickstarter Guide that lists FAQs and possible ways to mitigate them. Of course, you can always reach out to our Community or contact us via Support if you need any additional help.

That was all for now, your feedback allows us to continuously improve our product. Please, let us know what you think about it. Happy building! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
