Product changes

Manouk van Gerwen

New condition in next-gen actions

We've enhanced the condition step in next-gen actions with advanced filter possibilities. Just drag the condition on your canvas and try it out!

Easy filtering

From now on, you can easily set up rules for your condition. Use multiple rules together to filter on more specific sets of data that you can pass through your condition step. You can also create multiple groups of rules, giving you a lot of flexibility to configure the condition to your liking.

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Just drag the condition on your canvas and try it out! Read through this article to find out how to  add filter rules within a condition step to enable certain users to make changes in an application.

Coming soon

In Q1 2023, we will add the ability to set up multiple paths in your condition. This way, you don't need to build conditions in conditions anymore.

That was all for now. Your feedback allows us to continuously improve the Product. So please, let us know what you think about it!

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