Product changes

Lisanne Steenis

List of release notes - Week 20 & 21 - 2022

Over the last 2 weeks, we have been working on improvements to the platform. In this blog post, you can see a simple list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed. Read more about the release notes of weeks 20 and 21 of 2022.


  • New page template: Profile Page - This allows you to quickly set up a profile page after using the login page template.
  • All page templates that have a header and a footer will now have the option to select a partial during the creation of the page. 


  • Unable to display relational properties in nested data list structures
  • MultiValue Autocomplete: Unable to find record outside of the initial load of records
  • Multi&Custom Autocomplete: Unable to find record outside of the initial load of records
  • In the translations overview an error could show up while trying to save  a translation, this was because the same request was sent twice. This is no longer the case. 
  • In the translations overview the application name was not visible anymore in the browser tab. This is now resolved. 
  • In some cases deleting beta forms showed error alert messages 
  • Removed properties used in beta forms did not display the property in its error state
  • Beta checkbox inputs are shown next to the submit button in runtime
  • Default validation of beta text form inputs did not allow special characters
  • Variable option gets corrupted after using 'Save as partial' and 'Convert components' in direct succession.
  • Converting structures to a partial that container interactions outside the selected structure resulted in the interaction builder to show unclear error messages.
My Betty Blocks
  • When adding new users to an organization or application the user list didn’t refresh itself. This is now resolved.
  • When you invite a lot of users at the same time the submit and cancel button could fall outside of the screen. This is fixed. 
  • When there was an error while inviting a user the red border to indicate this didn’t appear. Now it does. 
  • When your Betty Blocks account was locked because of too many wrong login attempts we didn’t inform the user about this properly, now we do.

That was all for now. Your feedback allows us to continuously improve the Product. So please, let us know what you think about it!

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