Product changes

Anton van den Berg

Enhanced Governance with Extended Roles and Permissions

We're thrilled to announce a significant upgrade to our governance offering with the introduction of extended roles and permissions. This release is designed to provide company managers with even greater control and flexibility over their Blocks in the Block Store. Let's dive into the exciting new features:

Introducing: Governed block sharing permissions
Company admins can now manage the sharing block capabilities for the users and blocks that are associated with their company. The following new permissions have been added: 

  • Release a Block.
  • Change Block visibility to public.
  • Change Block visibility to company level.
  • Change Block visibility to organization level.

This also includes the permission to share a block at the company level, making it visible for installation by all users within the company, across accessible applications. 

How to get started
Visit our newly added company overview tab to manage roles and permissions for the company. Here, the company admin can create new roles and configure permissions for sharing blocks. 

Members within the company will no longer have default permissions to share blocks publicly or with organizations. They must contact their administrator for appropriate roles and permissions. 

All blocks are assigned to the company of the application where they were originally created. If the application cannot be found, the block will continue to function as before.

If you have the correct permissions and are still not able to set the block visibility please contact support.

Next steps
In the upcoming weeks, we'll introduce:

  • Permissions categorized display
  • Sharing application templates at the company level
  • Management of new application development roles
  • Permissions for managing organization and application development roles
  • Permissions for managing users and settings for organizations and applications

These new permissions empower our users to customize their governance settings according to their specific needs, ensuring greater control, security, and efficiency throughout their application development and management processes!

That was all for now, your feedback allows us to continuously improve our product. Please let us know what you think about it. Happy building! 😃 

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