Product changes

Jelmer Kok

Jelmer Kok
Product Owner - Jelmer Kok

Recent Posts

Jelmer Kok

Object page variables release

The latest release in the Betty Blocks platform has introduced Page variables as a new feature in the page builder allowing you to create object variables that live on page level. Data fetched by page variables is accessible by all components on your page.

In essence, object variables are an improvement on the current data container system

Jelmer Kok

Pages component tree right-hand side feature

The latest releases in the Betty Blocks Platform have improved the overall experience and features within the Pages component tree. Recently, dragging and dropping components to a new position in the component tree has been made much easier (read more). Now the component tree can also be positioned at the right-hand side of the canvas. Which comes

Jelmer Kok

Introduction of State management on page level

With one of the latest releases in the Betty Blocks Platform, we introduced the use of page state management in runtime. With this new feature, you can use state on page level in various application development use cases. This first "introduction release" is the groundwork for many other releases that will follow later this year. We believe that

Jelmer Kok

Enhanced experience in the pages component tree

The latest releases in the Betty Blocks Platform have improved the overall experience and features within the component tree. Core functionality such as dragging and dropping components to a new position in the tree has been made much easier along with a number of other cases which can be found below

  • Dragging and dropping Box components
Jelmer Kok

Reordering items in Reconfigure modal

Earlier this year, we released the new Reconfigure feature as a new option for many default page builder components and page templates. With one of the latest releases to the Betty Blocks Platform, we added the ability to reorder the available items in the Reconfigure modal via drag and drop. Allowing you to change for example the ordering of

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