In the last quarter, we delivered a lot of new next-gen actions features. We have focussed on adding features that will enable you to build more use-cases and save you time during development. This blog is to give you an overview so you’re fully up to date.
We have released a new public block store function called Sub Action. With this function you can reuse actions within other actions. This will save you a lot of time building the same thing over and over again. Read here how to use the sub action
All changes you make in your action will be auto-saved. Within your action you will see an icon with 3 dots (top left corner), to indicate your action is compiling. When the compilation is successfully completed you will see an icon with a green checkmark. If the compilation fails, you will see an icon with a red cross. To get more information about your compiling status, you can visit the debug logging page (you can find this under tools in your builder bar). This will make it easier for you to debug your actions.
When you have an authentication profile selected in your action settings, you’re able to select the current webuser object as a variable. You don’t need a workaround anymore to make this information available in your action.
It’s now possible re-assign variables. You can use the Re-assign Text Variable function from the public block store. You can also select an existing variable in the output option of a step to overwrite it (except for collection and record). In the image below you see an example of how to create a redirect url based on a condition. Variable 'redirecturl' is the output of the action.
When creating a variable, you can now use date presets in your filters. For example, you can create a collection with records that were updated yesterday.
When creating a variable, you're now able to select a property and order direction to order your variable.
When creating a collection variable, you can also filter on relations now.
With this new feature you'll be able to create scheduled actions, to automatically and periodically automatically trigger an action, so no need to press a button on a cerain date and time anymore
The condition function will be enhanced with advanced filtering and the ability to create multiple paths. This will make it much easier for no-coder to build use-cases. With the ability to create multiple paths, you don't need to build conditions in conditions anymore.
A new PDF function will be added to the public block store for everyone to use.
With this new feature you will be able to use the values of your configurations in your actions. This way you don't need a workaround anymore to use sandbox related values in your actions, such as api keys.
That was all for now. Your feedback allows us to continuously improve the Product. So please, let us know what you think about it!