Product changes

New feature - New action event: SFTP list

Written by Michel Dolstra | Jul 18, 2018 2:50:00 PM

In addition to our SFTP Download and SFTP Upload events, it's also possible to use an SFTP List event. With this event you can request the content of an SFTP directory and loop through its entries.


New SFTP list event


By connecting your Betty Blocks application to an SFTP environment you can make use of countless new options. Until now you had to use the SFTP Upload and SFTP Download events, but these were designed to target specific locations and were hard to configure dynamically. With the SFTP List event you can access any SFTP environment much like before, but get an array of results, based on what's available on the directory you requested.

For example, you enter a path like "/all-files/images". The platform automatically generates a custom model, allowing you to browse through the results with the variable browser. After the SFTP List event add a Loop event. For each iteration from the Loop event an entry can be handled. Configure as you please; use SFTP Download events to get the existing file from the entry or SFTP Upload to add a new file.