Blog | Betty Blocks

How to Implement and Govern Citizen Development in Your Organization

Geschreven door Chris Obdam | 11/1/18 3:52 PM

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No software solution is a cure-all package. Trust me, I would be the first one to tell you that simply buying a no-code platform would fix all of your problems. The truth is, strategic implementation of digital solutions depends as much on organizations and workforce as it does on technology.

That’s why creating a governance strategy is necessary for your organization to succeed with citizen development. Without governance, a no-code platform will just create more problems such as Shadow IT. Here are the key takeaways from the guide we wrote on establishing a citizen development governance strategy:


  • Organizations can counter the risks of citizen development like lack of control, unsupported software, and vulnerability to security threats with an implementation strategy, governance policy and sanctioned platform.
  • A governance strategy should address the who, what, where, when and how of an organization’s citizen development program.
  • Establishing a centralized citizen development command center within the IT department provides resources, structure and accountability through monitoring. 
  • Citizen developers will need tools, resources and support in order to be successful, including software or development platforms, coordination with IT departments and tech support. 
  • Training is fundamental in terms of both gatekeeping citizen development platforms and teaching fundamentals of data security, as well as continuous development and skills building.
  • Security is paramount and all citizen development activity needs to be strictly monitored to ensure compliance.

Last year, I presented ‘The Rise of Citizen Developers’ at the 2017 Gartner Symposium/ITxpo in Barcelona. Back by popular demand (or so they tell me), at this year’s Gartner Symposium/ITxpo I’m excited to share the next phase of citizen development: ‘How to Implement and Govern Citizen Development in Your Organization’, where I’ll cover guidelines and a strategy to successfully embed and govern citizen development in your organization.

Come join my talk from 12:10 - 12:30 on the 5th of November 2018 at the ITxpo Stage 2.

And read more about our recommendations for citizen development governance in our guidebook here