Blog | Betty Blocks

Betty Blocks wins Holland Business Award 2017

Geschreven door Jim Portanger | 11/27/17 11:00 AM

We’re very proud to be awarded the Holland Business Award, honoring the most innovative and sustainable business in the country. The 2017 winner was named at the annual awards event at the Cultuurkoepel in Heiloo, The Netherlands. With this award, they want to inspire entrepreneurs in the country and stimulate the economy.

The Holland Business Award is a prestigious awards program in the Netherlands recognizing innovation and leadership. Honors were presented in four categories, including Business, Hospitality, Startup and IT/New Media. Finalists and winners were selected by a diverse group of experienced judges.

The judges praised us for being socially involved, giving young people a chance, being internationally ambitious, but still staying local with our strong identity. The average age of our employees is 27, and we recently secured a €3 million funding, backed by ING, confirming our international ambition. We’re quickly expanding into the UK, the US, Belgium, Germany and we’re also going big in Japan.